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50 | Remember the difference you made

Scott McInnes

sticky note that says "thank you :) !"

I was on the Luas last week (Dublin's tram for those not from here) and we went past an AIB building. As we journeyed by I looked out and saw a giant graphic depicting the bank's values, the creation and launch of which I'd been closely involved in when I was worked there. I felt a huge sense of pride that something I'd worked on was so prominently displayed (particularly as we'd done it five years ago). The same is true when I talk to someone about the Tone of Voice project I worked on in there. Or when I get feedback on a training session or workshop I've run.

It struck me yesterday that it's really easy to keep looking forward, to not remember the small things we do, or are a part of, that impact others in a positive way.

It's easy to think about the things that have gone wrong versus the things that have gone really well.

To worry about the bad, rather than celebrate the good

And for me, it's one of the key roles of a people leader - to help their people NOT to forget the difference they've made. That can mean something as small as a handwritten 'THANK YOU' note left on someone's desk, a bottle of wine or a mention in a team meeting

Recognition has a massive impact on employee engagement and, by extension, on company performance

It's not all about the money - there are lots of stats that highlight how non-cash based recognition can have more impact than cash based. As is highlighted in this short deck on recognition and engagement, a simple thank you is more powerful than a cheque.

  • Organisations that implement non-cash reward and recognition programmes have annual revenue increases averaging 9.6% vs 3% for all other companies (source : Incentive Research Foundation

  • 57% of employees reported that the most meaningful recognition was free (source : Harvard Business review)

  • Non-cash incentives improve performance by 40% vs 15% for cash rewards

So why not take a few minutes out this week to thank you or well done to a colleague or one of your team members

It'll brighten their day and your business will benefit a bit as a result.


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